Veneers Dentist Los Angeles

Keeping Your Veneers Looking New

Keeping Your Veneers Looking New

Veneers are a wonderful and long-lasting way to provide a fix for your teeth that are chipped, stained, worn, misaligned, or irregularly shaped. They are an excellent treatment for absolutely anyone who is looking to achieve their perfect smile. With the correct care, veneers can last for decades.

To keep your veneers in excellent condition going forward, follow these 3 tips. They will stay looking brand new!

Avoid Tooth Decay

Although your veneers aren’t prone to tooth decay, when you have an existing cavity and decay damage on the tooth underneath, this can damage the veneer. After a cavity is repaired, the tooth likely can no longer support a new veneer. That is why it is so important to avoid tooth decay by brushing and taking care of your veneers.

Ensure Gum Health

Practicing oral care is essential in preventing gum disease and receding gums. Both of these things will alter the appearance of your veneers. Because of the fact that porcelain ends at the gum line, if your gum tissue recedes, the edge of the veneer will begin to become visible.

From there, you will likely have to get the entire veneer replaced. Make sure you don’t overbrush and be cautious when brushing around your gums. This could erode the gum.

Schedule Regular Dental Exams

To get the best out of your veneers, it is essential that you make regular appointments for cleanings and exams with your dentist. This will help you keep your veneers in excellent condition to remain like they were the day they were put on. 

Having both your natural teeth and veneers examined regularly will ensure you are proactive rather than reactive when a problem shows. Our smile gallery shows the many patients who have been satisfied with good, consistent treatment. 

Invest in a Nightguard If You Grind Your Teeth

If one of the main reasons you decided on veneers was because your natural teeth were damaged due to teeth grinding, ensure that you get a mouthguard to prevent the same damage from happening to your new veneers. While it can be annoying at times, it is essential so you don’t ruin your new smile. 

Wearing a mouthguard at night will help you protect your veneers and immobilize your jaw to keep your brand-new investment protected.

To discover the amazing ways that veneers can transform your smile, you should come see us here at Veneers Dentist Los Angeles. We will help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

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